This weekend is the MoCCA Festival. It’s also the second year in a row that I will miss it, but I hope that everyone who goes has a blast. From my admittedly limited con perspective MoCCA and SPX are the twin giants for quality mini-comics. I haven’t been to APE, SPACE, or STAPLE, but both MoCCA and SPX rule for mini-comics. MoCCA was my first “comics convention,” and I can’t think of a better way for a comics geek to plunge into conventions. That was also the only time that Ed Cunard and I have hung out in person. The bastard has bailed on the last two SPX shows, but he’ll be at MoCCA this weekend. Here’s his recommendations this weekend for everything not mini-comics. I do have to second his Pat Lewis suggestion. Find Lewis and buy everything on his table. He brings the funny.
Who else is going to MoCCA? Well most of the cool kids will be there selling their wares. Don’t be afraid to approach the tables with the sad artists setting behind them. Look at their books, ask them questions, buy what strikes your fancy. Nothing should set you back too much cash. Another great thing about MoCCA is that the crappy publishers don’t bother attending these, so it's almost all quality.
If anyone has the gumption to do a mini-comics centric MoCCA report, I’ll post it here and give you full credit, as well as send you the biggest box of mini-comics you can imagine for your trouble. Probably should have posted this offer sooner though…

I forgot to mention how much I love the Puck Building. Have fun kids! Buy some minis and flood the surrounding bars.
I'll be there, chilling at table A57 for anyone interested. Looking forward to a great show!
Lets me and you go next year man! I'll tabling with tons of booze as far as the eye can see!
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