In issues 1-4 of Carl is the Awesome, you get to know the lovable, overconfident Carl. Carl is a dinosaur. He has a beaver’s tail and wears a little black vest. The ladies love him, he loves the ladies. If you haven’t read the first four issues, you should drop the $2 and pick them up. In these first four issues, Carl rules.
Issues 5-8 are slightly less engaging, but Carl is still Carl. In issue 5, Carl is the leader of a rap super group. “Our game is tighter than a jar of dills!! Twist off the top and enjoy the taste of our willis!!!” Carl makes the perfect rapper, but of course he’s so awesome that he and his mates, DJ Bill$ Murray and Miss Ill-Toe Diva, are chased by rabid fans.
In issue 6, with the help of a mystical mirror, Carl meets L’Rac, his French twin. L’Rac is every bit as awesome as Carl. Since the world can’t handle the overwhelming awesomeness of the two together, they’re forced into a competition to eliminate the loser and restore the awesomeness balance of the globe. The competition involves the ladies. That’s all I’m saying.
In issue 7, Carl recounts his experiences in community theatre. This page pretty much sums up the silliness that is Carl in community theatre. I’ll add that he’s somewhat of an improviser on stage.

Issue 8 is probably the best of this bunch, and it’s about something near and dear to all of our hearts – the small press comics festival. Carl shows you how to behave at a show like SPX or MoCCA. Not only does he teach you the fine art of swapping comics, he shows you how to navigate the sea of ladies at these shows. You go Carl.

Perez does a fine job with Carl, and it’s a great idea for a character. The packaging, presentation, and price point are all perfect for Carl’s adventures, but the nature of the stories, a dinosaur bragging about his awesomeness in different situations, can feel less fresh after the novelty wears off. However, issues 5-8 of Carl is the Awesome are packaged together in a slipcase for the price of $2.00. It’s just $2 for a nice little set of mini-comics that you can hand to almost anyone and elicit a giggle or two. You can purchase your own at the CliffFaceComics online store.